Media Seasons

Comic Books and Graphic Novels

What do you do after attending two days of sessions at a state library conference?  Go get a free graphic novel at the comic book store!   I managed to hit State College, PA with my teen-aged son who couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a free comic book at just the right time to meet a new favorite of mine—Jay Hosler!

I grew up viewing comic books as unworthy of attention, but my reading of Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood (long before the movie release) broadened my reading interests.  I learned more from that graphic novel about life in Iran during my lifetime than I did from that same lifetime of years watching and listening to Western media plus a college course in Middle Eastern studies.  Now I’m reading about Darwinian theory in The Sandwalk Adventure–and my 11-year-old son is soaking it up faster than I can.  Is that natural selection or what?!

This guy is amazing!  Who needs an avatar when you can manage to be a college biology prof by day and a cartoonist on the off hours?  Check out his double life .

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  about reading comic books and graphic novels.